PokeRogue Pokémon Move

Get comprehensive details about Pokémon Move in PokéRogue.

Total 952 move
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
4010035The target is physically pounded with a long tail, a foreleg, or the like.
Karate Chop
Pokémon Type Fighting in PokéRogueFighting
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
5010025The target is attacked with a sharp chop. Critical hits land more easily.
Double Slap
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
158510The target is slapped repeatedly, back and forth, two to five times in a row.
Comet Punch
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
188515The target is hit with a flurry of punches that strike two to five times in a row.
Mega Punch
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
808520The target is slugged by a punch thrown with muscle-packed power.
Pay Day
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
4010020Numerous coins are hurled at the target to inflict damage. Money is earned after the battle.
Fire Punch
Pokémon Type Fire in PokéRogueFire
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
7510015The target is punched with a fiery fist. This may also leave the target with a burn.
Ice Punch
Pokémon Type Ice in PokéRogueIce
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
7510015The target is punched with an icy fist. This may also leave the target frozen.
Thunder Punch
Pokémon Type Electric in PokéRogueElectric
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
7510015The target is punched with an electrified fist. This may also leave the target with paralysis.
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
4010035Hard, pointed, sharp claws rake the target to inflict damage.
Vise Grip
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
5510030The target is gripped and squeezed from both sides to inflict damage.
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
200305A vicious, tearing attack with big pincers. The target faints instantly if this attack hits.
Razor Wind
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Special in PokéRogueSpecial
8010010In this two-turn attack, blades of wind hit opposing Pokémon on the second turn. Critical hits land more easily.
Swords Dance
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
--20A frenetic dance to uplift the fighting spirit. This sharply raises the user's Attack stat.
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
509530The target is cut with a scythe or claw.
Pokémon Type Flying in PokéRogueFlying
Pokémon Move Category Special in PokéRogueSpecial
4010035A gust of wind is whipped up by wings and launched at the target to inflict damage.
Wing Attack
Pokémon Type Flying in PokéRogueFlying
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
6010035The target is struck with large, imposing wings spread wide to inflict damage.
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
--20The target is blown away, and a different Pokémon is dragged out. In the wild, this ends a battle against a single Pokémon.
Pokémon Type Flying in PokéRogueFlying
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
909515The user flies up into the sky and then strikes its target on the next turn.
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
158520Things such as long bodies or tentacles are used to bind and squeeze the target for four to five turns.