View Sunflora's detailed stats, abilities, types, evolution and moves in PokeRogue Dex.

PokeRogue Dex: Sunflora
PokeRogue Dex: Sunflora back

Sunflora Pokédex Data


Pokémon Type Grass in PokéRogueGrass

Starter Cost



8.5 kg




Boosts the Pokémon's Speed stat in harsh sunlight.

Solar Power

Boosts the Sp. Atk stat in harsh sunlight, but HP decreases every turn.

Hidden Ability

Early Bird

The Pokémon awakens from sleep twice as fast as other Pokémon.

Sunflora Base Stats







Sp. Atk


Sp. Def






Sunflora Evolution

Sunflora Type Chart

Grass Type Strength

Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Type Fire in PokéRogueFire
Pokémon Type Water in PokéRogueWater
Pokémon Type Electric in PokéRogueElectric
Pokémon Type Grass in PokéRogueGrass
Pokémon Type Ice in PokéRogueIce
Pokémon Type Fighting in PokéRogueFighting
Pokémon Type Poison in PokéRoguePoison
Pokémon Type Ground in PokéRogueGround
Pokémon Type Flying in PokéRogueFlying
Pokémon Type Psychic in PokéRoguePsychic
Pokémon Type Bug in PokéRogueBug
Pokémon Type Rock in PokéRogueRock
Pokémon Type Ghost in PokéRogueGhost
Pokémon Type Dragon in PokéRogueDragon
Pokémon Type Dark in PokéRogueDark
Pokémon Type Steel in PokéRogueSteel
Pokémon Type Fairy in PokéRogueFairy

Grass Type Weakness

Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Type Fire in PokéRogueFire
Pokémon Type Water in PokéRogueWater
Pokémon Type Electric in PokéRogueElectric
Pokémon Type Grass in PokéRogueGrass
Pokémon Type Ice in PokéRogueIce
Pokémon Type Fighting in PokéRogueFighting
Pokémon Type Poison in PokéRoguePoison
Pokémon Type Ground in PokéRogueGround
Pokémon Type Flying in PokéRogueFlying
Pokémon Type Psychic in PokéRoguePsychic
Pokémon Type Bug in PokéRogueBug
Pokémon Type Rock in PokéRogueRock
Pokémon Type Ghost in PokéRogueGhost
Pokémon Type Dragon in PokéRogueDragon
Pokémon Type Dark in PokéRogueDark
Pokémon Type Steel in PokéRogueSteel
Pokémon Type Fairy in PokéRogueFairy

Sunflora Egg Moves

Pokémon Type Grass in PokéRogueGrass
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
-10015The user scatters bursts of spores that induce sleep.
Sappy Seed
Pokémon Type Grass in PokéRogueGrass
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
1009010The user grows a gigantic stalk that scatters seeds to attack the target. The seeds drain the target's HP every turn.
Fiery Dance
Pokémon Type Fire in PokéRogueFire
Pokémon Move Category Special in PokéRogueSpecial
8010010Cloaked in flames, the user attacks the target by dancing and flapping its wings. This may also raise the user's Sp. Atk stat.
Hydro Steam
Pokémon Type Water in PokéRogueWater
Pokémon Move Category Special in PokéRogueSpecial
8010015The user blasts the target with boiling-hot water. This move's power is not lowered in harsh sunlight but rather boosted by 50 percent.

Sunflora Moves learned by level up

Total 17 move
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
4010035The target is physically pounded with a long tail, a foreleg, or the like.
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
4010035A physical attack in which the user charges and slams into the target with its whole body.
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
--20The user's body grows all at once, raising the Attack and Sp. Atk stats.
Pokémon Type Grass in PokéRogueGrass
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
--20The user lays roots that restore its HP on every turn. Because it's rooted, it can't switch out.
Pokémon Type Grass in PokéRogueGrass
Pokémon Move Category Special in PokéRogueSpecial
2010025A nutrient-draining attack. The user's HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
10Mega Drain
Pokémon Type Grass in PokéRogueGrass
Pokémon Move Category Special in PokéRogueSpecial
4010015A nutrient-draining attack. The user's HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
13Leech Seed
Pokémon Type Grass in PokéRogueGrass
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
-9010A seed is planted on the target. It steals some HP from the target every turn.
16Razor Leaf
Pokémon Type Grass in PokéRogueGrass
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
559525Sharp-edged leaves are launched to slash at opposing Pokémon. Critical hits land more easily.
19Worry Seed
Pokémon Type Grass in PokéRogueGrass
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
-10010A seed that causes worry is planted on the target. It prevents sleep by making the target's Ability Insomnia.
22Giga Drain
Pokémon Type Grass in PokéRogueGrass
Pokémon Move Category Special in PokéRogueSpecial
7510010A nutrient-draining attack. The user's HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
25Bullet Seed
Pokémon Type Grass in PokéRogueGrass
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
2510030The user forcefully shoots seeds at the target two to five times in a row.
28Petal Dance
Pokémon Type Grass in PokéRogueGrass
Pokémon Move Category Special in PokéRogueSpecial
12010010The user attacks the target by scattering petals for two to three turns. The user then becomes confused.
31Solar Beam
Pokémon Type Grass in PokéRogueGrass
Pokémon Move Category Special in PokéRogueSpecial
12010010In this two-turn attack, the user gathers light, then blasts a bundled beam on the next turn.
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
12010015A reckless, life-risking tackle in which the user rushes the target. This also damages the user quite a lot.
39Sunny Day
Pokémon Type Fire in PokéRogueFire
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
--5The user intensifies the sun for five turns, powering up Fire-type moves. It lowers the power of Water-type moves.
43Leaf Storm
Pokémon Type Grass in PokéRogueGrass
Pokémon Move Category Special in PokéRogueSpecial
130905The user whips up a storm of leaves around the target. The attack's recoil harshly lowers the user's Sp. Atk stat.
50Petal Blizzard
Pokémon Type Grass in PokéRogueGrass
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
9010015The user stirs up a violent petal blizzard and attacks everything around it.

Sunflora Moves learned by TM/HM

Total 52 move
Swords Dance
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
--20A frenetic dance to uplift the fighting spirit. This sharply raises the user's Attack stat.
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
509530The target is cut with a scythe or claw.
Take Down
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
908520A reckless, full-body charge attack for slamming into the target. This also damages the user a little.
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
12010015A reckless, life-risking tackle in which the user rushes the target. This also damages the user quite a lot.
Hyper Beam
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Special in PokéRogueSpecial
150905The target is attacked with a powerful beam. The user can't move on the next turn.
Solar Beam
Pokémon Type Grass in PokéRogueGrass
Pokémon Move Category Special in PokéRogueSpecial
12010010In this two-turn attack, the user gathers light, then blasts a bundled beam on the next turn.
Pokémon Type Poison in PokéRoguePoison
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
-9010A move that leaves the target badly poisoned. Its poison damage worsens every turn.
Double Team
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
--15By moving rapidly, the user makes illusory copies of itself to raise its evasiveness.
Light Screen
Pokémon Type Psychic in PokéRoguePsychic
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
--30A wondrous wall of light is put up to reduce damage from special attacks for five turns.
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
-10020The user flashes a bright light that cuts the target's accuracy.
Pokémon Type Psychic in PokéRoguePsychic
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
--5The user goes to sleep for two turns. This fully restores the user's HP and heals any status conditions.
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
--10The user creates a substitute for itself using some of its HP. The substitute serves as the user's decoy.
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Special in PokéRogueSpecial
5010015This attack can be used only if the user is asleep. The harsh noise may also make the target flinch.
Pokémon Type Ghost in PokéRogueGhost
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
--10A move that works differently for the Ghost type than for all other types.
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
--10This move enables the user to protect itself from all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
Sludge Bomb
Pokémon Type Poison in PokéRoguePoison
Pokémon Move Category Special in PokéRogueSpecial
9010010Unsanitary sludge is hurled at the target. This may also poison the target.
Giga Drain
Pokémon Type Grass in PokéRogueGrass
Pokémon Move Category Special in PokéRogueSpecial
7510010A nutrient-draining attack. The user's HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
--10The user endures any attack with at least 1 HP. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
-8515The user enrages and confuses the target. However, this also sharply raises the target's Attack stat.
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
-10015If it is the opposite gender of the user, the target becomes infatuated and less likely to attack.