View Watchog's detailed stats, abilities, types, evolution and moves in PokeRogue Dex.

PokeRogue Dex: Watchog
PokeRogue Dex: Watchog back

Watchog Pokédex Data


Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal

Starter Cost



27 kg




By illuminating its surroundings, the Pokémon raises the likelihood of meeting wild Pokémon and prevents its accuracy from being lowered.

Keen Eye

Keen eyes prevent other Pokémon from lowering this Pokémon's accuracy.

Hidden Ability


Boosts move power when the Pokémon moves last.

Watchog Base Stats







Sp. Atk


Sp. Def






Watchog Evolution

Watchog Type Chart

Normal Type Strength

Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Type Fire in PokéRogueFire
Pokémon Type Water in PokéRogueWater
Pokémon Type Electric in PokéRogueElectric
Pokémon Type Grass in PokéRogueGrass
Pokémon Type Ice in PokéRogueIce
Pokémon Type Fighting in PokéRogueFighting
Pokémon Type Poison in PokéRoguePoison
Pokémon Type Ground in PokéRogueGround
Pokémon Type Flying in PokéRogueFlying
Pokémon Type Psychic in PokéRoguePsychic
Pokémon Type Bug in PokéRogueBug
Pokémon Type Rock in PokéRogueRock
Pokémon Type Ghost in PokéRogueGhost
Pokémon Type Dragon in PokéRogueDragon
Pokémon Type Dark in PokéRogueDark
Pokémon Type Steel in PokéRogueSteel
Pokémon Type Fairy in PokéRogueFairy

Normal Type Weakness

Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Type Fire in PokéRogueFire
Pokémon Type Water in PokéRogueWater
Pokémon Type Electric in PokéRogueElectric
Pokémon Type Grass in PokéRogueGrass
Pokémon Type Ice in PokéRogueIce
Pokémon Type Fighting in PokéRogueFighting
Pokémon Type Poison in PokéRoguePoison
Pokémon Type Ground in PokéRogueGround
Pokémon Type Flying in PokéRogueFlying
Pokémon Type Psychic in PokéRoguePsychic
Pokémon Type Bug in PokéRogueBug
Pokémon Type Rock in PokéRogueRock
Pokémon Type Ghost in PokéRogueGhost
Pokémon Type Dragon in PokéRogueDragon
Pokémon Type Dark in PokéRogueDark
Pokémon Type Steel in PokéRogueSteel
Pokémon Type Fairy in PokéRogueFairy

Watchog Egg Moves

Fake Out
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
4010010This attack hits first and makes the target flinch. It only works the first turn each time the user enters battle.
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
-10030The user intimidates the target with the pattern on its belly to cause paralysis.
Dynamic Punch
Pokémon Type Fighting in PokéRogueFighting
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
100505The user punches the target with full, concentrated power. This confuses the target if it hits.
Extreme Speed
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
801005The user charges the target at blinding speed. This move always goes first.

Watchog Moves learned by level up

Total 20 move
0Confuse Ray
Pokémon Type Ghost in PokéRogueGhost
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
-10010The target is exposed to a sinister ray that triggers confusion.
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
4010035A physical attack in which the user charges and slams into the target with its whole body.
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
-10030The user gives opposing Pokémon an intimidating leer that lowers the Defense stat.
Pokémon Type Dark in PokéRogueDark
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
6010025The target is bitten with viciously sharp fangs. This may also make the target flinch.
1Low Kick
Pokémon Type Fighting in PokéRogueFighting
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
-10020A powerful low kick that makes the target fall over. The heavier the target, the greater the move's power.
Pokémon Type Ground in PokéRogueGround
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
--10Tilling the soil, the user makes it easier for plants to grow. This raises the Attack and Sp. Atk stats of Grass-type Pokémon.
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
--10The user endures attacks for two turns, then strikes back to cause double the damage taken.
Pokémon Type Fighting in PokéRogueFighting
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
--5This move enables the user to protect itself from all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
13Sand Attack
Pokémon Type Ground in PokéRogueGround
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
-10015Sand is hurled in the target's face, reducing the target's accuracy.
Pokémon Type Dark in PokéRogueDark
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
8010015The user crunches up the target with sharp fangs. This may also lower the target's Defense stat.
Pokémon Type Psychic in PokéRoguePsychic
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
-6020The user employs hypnotic suggestion to make the target fall into a deep sleep.
22Super Fang
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
-9010The user chomps hard on the target with its sharp front fangs. This cuts the target's HP in half.
25After You
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
--15The user helps the target and makes it use its move right after the user.
29Focus Energy
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
--30The user takes a deep breath and focuses so that critical hits land more easily.
32Psych Up
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
--10The user hypnotizes itself into copying any stat change made by the target.
36Hyper Fang
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
809015The user bites hard on the target with its sharp front fangs. This may also make the target flinch.
39Nasty Plot
Pokémon Type Dark in PokéRogueDark
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
--20The user stimulates its brain by thinking bad thoughts. This sharply raises the user's Sp. Atk stat.
43Mean Look
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
--5The user pins the target with a dark, arresting look. The target becomes unable to flee.
46Baton Pass
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
--40The user switches places with a party Pokémon in waiting and passes along any stat changes.
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
807520The target is slammed with a long tail, vines, or the like to inflict damage.

Watchog Moves learned by TM/HM

Total 64 move
Fire Punch
Pokémon Type Fire in PokéRogueFire
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
7510015The target is punched with a fiery fist. This may also leave the target with a burn.
Ice Punch
Pokémon Type Ice in PokéRogueIce
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
7510015The target is punched with an icy fist. This may also leave the target frozen.
Thunder Punch
Pokémon Type Electric in PokéRogueElectric
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
7510015The target is punched with an electrified fist. This may also leave the target with paralysis.
Swords Dance
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
--20A frenetic dance to uplift the fighting spirit. This sharply raises the user's Attack stat.
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
509530The target is cut with a scythe or claw.
Pokémon Type Fire in PokéRogueFire
Pokémon Move Category Special in PokéRogueSpecial
9010015The target is scorched with an intense blast of fire. This may also leave the target with a burn.
Hyper Beam
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Special in PokéRogueSpecial
150905The target is attacked with a powerful beam. The user can't move on the next turn.
Low Kick
Pokémon Type Fighting in PokéRogueFighting
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
-10020A powerful low kick that makes the target fall over. The heavier the target, the greater the move's power.
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
8010015The target is slugged with a punch thrown at maximum power.
Pokémon Type Electric in PokéRogueElectric
Pokémon Move Category Special in PokéRogueSpecial
9010015A strong electric blast crashes down on the target. This may also leave the target with paralysis.
Thunder Wave
Pokémon Type Electric in PokéRogueElectric
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
-9020The user launches a weak jolt of electricity that paralyzes the target.
Pokémon Type Electric in PokéRogueElectric
Pokémon Move Category Special in PokéRogueSpecial
1107010A wicked thunderbolt is dropped on the target to inflict damage. This may also leave the target with paralysis.
Pokémon Type Ground in PokéRogueGround
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
8010010The user burrows into the ground, then attacks on the next turn.
Pokémon Type Poison in PokéRoguePoison
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
-9010A move that leaves the target badly poisoned. Its poison damage worsens every turn.
Double Team
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
--15By moving rapidly, the user makes illusory copies of itself to raise its evasiveness.
Confuse Ray
Pokémon Type Ghost in PokéRogueGhost
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
-10010The target is exposed to a sinister ray that triggers confusion.
Light Screen
Pokémon Type Psychic in PokéRoguePsychic
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
--30A wondrous wall of light is put up to reduce damage from special attacks for five turns.
Focus Energy
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
--30The user takes a deep breath and focuses so that critical hits land more easily.
Dream Eater
Pokémon Type Psychic in PokéRoguePsychic
Pokémon Move Category Special in PokéRogueSpecial
10010015The user eats the dreams of a sleeping target. The user's HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
-10020The user flashes a bright light that cuts the target's accuracy.