View Huntail's detailed stats, abilities, types, evolution and moves in PokeRogue Dex.

PokeRogue Dex: Huntail
PokeRogue Dex: Huntail back

Huntail Pokédex Data


Pokémon Type Water in PokéRogueWater

Starter Cost



27 kg



Swift Swim

Boosts the Pokémon's Speed stat in rain.

Hidden Ability

Water Veil

The Pokémon is covered with a water veil, which prevents the Pokémon from getting a burn.

Huntail Base Stats







Sp. Atk


Sp. Def






Huntail Evolution

Huntail Type Chart

Water Type Strength

Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Type Fire in PokéRogueFire
Pokémon Type Water in PokéRogueWater
Pokémon Type Electric in PokéRogueElectric
Pokémon Type Grass in PokéRogueGrass
Pokémon Type Ice in PokéRogueIce
Pokémon Type Fighting in PokéRogueFighting
Pokémon Type Poison in PokéRoguePoison
Pokémon Type Ground in PokéRogueGround
Pokémon Type Flying in PokéRogueFlying
Pokémon Type Psychic in PokéRoguePsychic
Pokémon Type Bug in PokéRogueBug
Pokémon Type Rock in PokéRogueRock
Pokémon Type Ghost in PokéRogueGhost
Pokémon Type Dragon in PokéRogueDragon
Pokémon Type Dark in PokéRogueDark
Pokémon Type Steel in PokéRogueSteel
Pokémon Type Fairy in PokéRogueFairy

Water Type Weakness

Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Type Fire in PokéRogueFire
Pokémon Type Water in PokéRogueWater
Pokémon Type Electric in PokéRogueElectric
Pokémon Type Grass in PokéRogueGrass
Pokémon Type Ice in PokéRogueIce
Pokémon Type Fighting in PokéRogueFighting
Pokémon Type Poison in PokéRoguePoison
Pokémon Type Ground in PokéRogueGround
Pokémon Type Flying in PokéRogueFlying
Pokémon Type Psychic in PokéRoguePsychic
Pokémon Type Bug in PokéRogueBug
Pokémon Type Rock in PokéRogueRock
Pokémon Type Ghost in PokéRogueGhost
Pokémon Type Dragon in PokéRogueDragon
Pokémon Type Dark in PokéRogueDark
Pokémon Type Steel in PokéRogueSteel
Pokémon Type Fairy in PokéRogueFairy

Huntail Egg Moves

Ice Spinner
Pokémon Type Ice in PokéRogueIce
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
8010015The user covers its feet in thin ice and twirls around, slamming into the target. This move's spinning motion also destroys the terrain.
Pokémon Type Water in PokéRogueWater
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
8510010The user slams into the target using a full-force blast of water. This may also lower the target's Defense stat.
Earth Power
Pokémon Type Ground in PokéRogueGround
Pokémon Move Category Special in PokéRogueSpecial
9010010The user makes the ground under the target erupt with power. This may also lower the target's Sp. Def stat.
Steam Eruption
Pokémon Type Water in PokéRogueWater
Pokémon Move Category Special in PokéRogueSpecial
110955The user immerses the target in superheated steam. This may also leave the target with a burn.

Huntail Moves learned by level up

Total 18 move
1Water Gun
Pokémon Type Water in PokéRogueWater
Pokémon Move Category Special in PokéRogueSpecial
4010025The target is blasted with a forceful shot of water.
1Iron Defense
Pokémon Type Steel in PokéRogueSteel
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
--15The user hardens its body's surface like iron, sharply raising its Defense stat.
1Shell Smash
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
--15The user breaks its shell, which lowers Defense and Sp. Def stats but sharply raises its Attack, Sp. Atk, and Speed stats.
Pokémon Type Water in PokéRogueWater
Pokémon Move Category Special in PokéRogueSpecial
358515The user traps the target in a violent swirling whirlpool for four to five turns.
Pokémon Type Dark in PokéRogueDark
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
6010025The target is bitten with viciously sharp fangs. This may also make the target flinch.
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
-8540An earsplitting screech harshly lowers the target's Defense stat.
9Scary Face
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
-10010The user frightens the target with a scary face to harshly lower its Speed stat.
11Rain Dance
Pokémon Type Water in PokéRogueWater
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
--5The user summons a heavy rain that falls for five turns, powering up Water-type moves. It lowers the power of Fire-type moves.
14Water Pulse
Pokémon Type Water in PokéRogueWater
Pokémon Move Category Special in PokéRogueSpecial
6010020The user attacks the target with a pulsing blast of water. This may also confuse the target.
16Ice Fang
Pokémon Type Ice in PokéRogueIce
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
659515The user bites with cold-infused fangs. This may also make the target flinch or leave it frozen.
Pokémon Type Water in PokéRogueWater
Pokémon Move Category Special in PokéRogueSpecial
6510010If the target's HP is half or less, this attack will hit with double the power.
23Sucker Punch
Pokémon Type Dark in PokéRogueDark
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
701005This move enables the user to attack first. This move fails if the target is not readying an attack.
Pokémon Type Water in PokéRogueWater
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
8010010Diving on the first turn, the user floats up and attacks on the next turn.
29Baton Pass
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
--40The user switches places with a party Pokémon in waiting and passes along any stat changes.
Pokémon Type Dark in PokéRogueDark
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
8010015The user crunches up the target with sharp fangs. This may also lower the target's Defense stat.
39Aqua Tail
Pokémon Type Water in PokéRogueWater
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
909010The user attacks by swinging its tail as if it were a vicious wave in a raging storm.
Pokémon Type Poison in PokéRoguePoison
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
--20The user coils up and concentrates. This raises its Attack and Defense stats as well as its accuracy.
50Hydro Pump
Pokémon Type Water in PokéRogueWater
Pokémon Move Category Special in PokéRogueSpecial
110805The target is blasted by a huge volume of water launched under great pressure.

Huntail Moves learned by TM/HM

Total 47 move
Body Slam
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
8510015The user drops onto the target with its full body weight. This may also leave the target with paralysis.
Hydro Pump
Pokémon Type Water in PokéRogueWater
Pokémon Move Category Special in PokéRogueSpecial
110805The target is blasted by a huge volume of water launched under great pressure.
Pokémon Type Water in PokéRogueWater
Pokémon Move Category Special in PokéRogueSpecial
9010015The user attacks everything around it by swamping its surroundings with a giant wave.
Ice Beam
Pokémon Type Ice in PokéRogueIce
Pokémon Move Category Special in PokéRogueSpecial
9010010The target is struck with an icy-cold beam of energy. This may also leave the target frozen.
Pokémon Type Ice in PokéRogueIce
Pokémon Move Category Special in PokéRogueSpecial
110705A howling blizzard is summoned to strike opposing Pokémon. This may also leave the opposing Pokémon frozen.
Hyper Beam
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Special in PokéRogueSpecial
150905The target is attacked with a powerful beam. The user can't move on the next turn.
Pokémon Type Poison in PokéRoguePoison
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
-9010A move that leaves the target badly poisoned. Its poison damage worsens every turn.
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
-8540An earsplitting screech harshly lowers the target's Defense stat.
Double Team
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
--15By moving rapidly, the user makes illusory copies of itself to raise its evasiveness.
Confuse Ray
Pokémon Type Ghost in PokéRogueGhost
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
-10010The target is exposed to a sinister ray that triggers confusion.
Pokémon Type Water in PokéRogueWater
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
8010015The user charges at the target and may make it flinch.
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Special in PokéRogueSpecial
60-20Star-shaped rays are shot at opposing Pokémon. This attack never misses.
Pokémon Type Psychic in PokéRoguePsychic
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
--5The user goes to sleep for two turns. This fully restores the user's HP and heals any status conditions.
Super Fang
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Physical in PokéRoguePhysical
-9010The user chomps hard on the target with its sharp front fangs. This cuts the target's HP in half.
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
--10The user creates a substitute for itself using some of its HP. The substitute serves as the user's decoy.
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Special in PokéRogueSpecial
5010015This attack can be used only if the user is asleep. The harsh noise may also make the target flinch.
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
--10This move enables the user to protect itself from all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession.
Scary Face
Pokémon Type Normal in PokéRogueNormal
Pokémon Move Category Status in PokéRogueStatus
-10010The user frightens the target with a scary face to harshly lower its Speed stat.
Pokémon Type Ground in PokéRogueGround
Pokémon Move Category Special in PokéRogueSpecial
2010010The user hurls mud in the target's face to inflict damage and lower its accuracy.
Icy Wind
Pokémon Type Ice in PokéRogueIce
Pokémon Move Category Special in PokéRogueSpecial
559515The user attacks with a gust of chilled air. This also lowers opposing Pokémon's Speed stats.